Investing in NNN Triple Net Leased Commercial Real Estate Properties
Not all real estate investors are created equal. A large number of them simply are looking to place their hard-earned money into a safe haven to avoid the often unpredictable nature of the financial market. In a nutshell, based on how the leases are drafted, NNN leased investments state that the tenants are responsible for paying rent plus the operating expenses of the building such as taxes, insurance, repairs and utilities. A true passive investment for the owner/landlord.
These NNN (Triple Net Leased) investments are valued using a combination of factors, such as the tenant’s credit, the length of the lease and rent escalations over the term, and, last but not least, the real estate itself.
“NNN leased properties survive the ups and downs of the markets. As an investor, you know your lease is guaranteed long term, often with rental escalations worked into the leases, meaning the investor will be receiving a steady income, regardless of how the outside forces are performing,” says Enrique Jordan, Investment Sales Associate with NAI Miami, Commercial Real Estate Services Worldwide.
About NAI Miami
NAI Miami is a commercial real estate organization with the passion, dedication and expertise to realize maximum potential and generate creative solutions for our clients worldwide. NAI Miami’s collaborative services platform provides an expansive, yet nimble responsive structure enabling us to efficiently deliver superior result. To learn more, visit
About NAI Global
NAI Global is the single largest, most powerful global network of owner-operated commercial real estate brokerage firms. NAI Global provides a full-range of corporate real estate services, including brokerage and leasing, property and facilities management, real estate investment and capital market services, due diligence, global supply chain consulting and related advisory services. NAI Global member firms, leaders in their local markets, are actively managed to work in unison and provide clients with exceptional solutions to their commercial real estate needs. Founded in 1978, today NAI Global has more than 375 offices strategically located throughout North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific, with over 6,700 local market professionals, managing over 380 million square feet of property. To learn more, visit
About the Author
Alejandro E. Jordan is the Chair of the Jordan Pascale, PL’s Commercial Real Estate Law Group, and a licensed commercial real estate professional with over a decade of experience in the business of real estate, finance, development and marketing. His broad base of knowledge allows him to stay ahead of the game and keep abreast of the latest market trends.
ESQ.title has over 20 years’ experience as advisors to foreign national and domestic real estate investors, real estate owners and tenants, developers, real estate investment companies, and ultra-affluent high net worth individuals. If you have any questions on whether or not a particular real estate investment is right for you, need assistance in acquiring or in analyzing due diligence on a particular opportunity, contact us at 305-501-2836 or visit us at for complimentary initial consultation for immediate assistance.